Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Christmas Party Dress

Well I have been waiting about a week now for the sun to come out long enough for me to take decent pictures of the finished Pauline Slip. You wouldn't believe how dark it gets here in the winter, and how impossible it is to take pictures in the "energy efficient" low lighting in most Norwegian homes.
It's frustrating. And I'm still waiting for the sun.

In other news, we went to our squadron Christmas party last night and I had a blast! I wore the most amazing vintage 1950's lace dress my excellent mother gave me a few years ago.

Thanks Mom! To make the full gathered skirt stand out more a la June Cleaver, I wore a great pastel pink crinoline underneath. It was scratchy, but boy was it fun to wear!

The kitty thought it was great fun and was doing everything in his power to play with the net ruffles every chance he got.

The dress had two labels, one reading "Townley" and the other "Montaldos". I felt like the bell of the ball in this dress. First I was worried about staying within the fine line of vintage, but updated. I got over it after the first few dozen compliments. I love to add vintage to my wardrobe, but I don't like to have my whole outfit to be from the same decade.
Does that make any sense?

Do any of you have grand outfits planned for Christmas parties?


  1. Yeah, Scandinavian winter gets like that. It's one of the (many) reasons I list when people ask me why I moved to France. And not only does the sun rise late and set early, it's overcast from October to February so you never see the sun even if it's "light" out.

    On the plus side... lots of candles and mulled wine!

    Oh, and that dress is lovely!

  2. Wow, you are one lucky lady to have a mom with a fashionable eye. I love this dress, and the crinoline just adds to the fun! I wish I could say that I have a gorgeous outfit planned for Christmas, but I don't have any sewing plans for one and dislike going to the mall this time of year . . . I will have to hope for a visit from my fairy godmother!

  3. I remember that dress!!! And, WOW your hair is getting so long. Miss YOU!!! Oh, PS... You look stunning in that dress!!!
