
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

And the winner is...

Congratulations to the lovely Kitty Ann for winning the pattern giveaway!
The prize was a copy of Depew #3046 1920s dress pattern. If you didn't win, here is a coupon code for 15% off at that will run this week and expire on April 17th.

Happy sewing!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A 1920s Dress with Embroidery Using Depew #3046 and a giveaway!

Today, my darlings, I am celebrating the fact that I have finally finished my 1920s dress with embroidered cuff and collars. This one sat unfinished for over two years as we moved to Georgia, remodeled our house, and dealt with me being seriously ill for a year. Now I'm slowly getting a bit better and working some more, and I have tackled some much-missed sewing!

The pattern I used is my favorite Depew reproduction of all time, #3046. And yes, love, this is a giveaway post!

Depew #3046 reproduction 1920s dress in multisize!

But first, can I just show off a bit? I'm super happy with how the dress turned out!

The pattern goes together really easily and the most time-consuming part is probably that gently-flared hem. I used a beautifully drapey rayon from Jo-Ann fabrics in the closest color (coral actually) I could match to the original envelope art. The rayon made pressing a perfect hem a bit tricky.

Embroidering the cuff and collars was by-far my favorite part of sewing this little gem. They are nice, crisp white cotton that I had left over from my Ikea fabric shopping days in Norway for my Picture Perfect Apron Pattern.

The shoulders have small tucks that are concealed underneath the collar instead of using bust darts, which weren't quite common in 1925.

And the sleeves are so easy because they are cut-in-one with the dress body.

Side skirt inset panels can look tricky at first but the best way I have found, is to turn seam allowances on the panel, press, and flat fell the panel right onto the skirt.

This dress is perfect for the intermediate sewist, or a good bridge from beginner to intermediate for someone who is looking to learn more and expand their skill.
Frustratingly, it no longer fits me because I lost 15 lbs when I fell ill. 

(To make a long story short, I got sick, almost died, stayed sick, developed a couple of not-fun conditions as a result *friggin' yay* and am now starting to get it all under control.)

But enough about me...
How about you? Have you ever made a 1920s dress? Do you have a favorite pattern?
Would you like to win a free multisize pdf copy of this one?

To enter to win, answer below with your favorite pattern from

For an added entry, you can do any of the following.  Just leave a comment below to let me know which you've done (honor system!) so that I can add your name to the hat the right number of times.

1. Follow Me on Instagram.

2. Follow A Few Threads Loose on Facebook.

3. Follow Mrs. Depew Vintage on Facebook.

4. Mention this giveaway on your blog, Instagram etc or share it on Facebook.

I'll announce the randomly chosen winner from the comments section
on Tuesday, April 9th!