
Friday, October 16, 2015

1940's Bra Sew-Along, and a Sewing Pattern Giveaway!

Update: This giveaway is now closed.

Well, my dear readers, it's that time again. I have the lingerie sewing bug. It's been ages since our last sew-along and I'm happy to say that my schedule has cleared just enough to allow me to host another one!
And the pattern I would love to make with you is my absolute favorite bra pattern, Depew #2013.

1940's style bra pattern Depew #2013 32"- 44" Bust.

I just most recently made this bra up in white satin and it turned out so beautifully, I thought, "Every girl should have one of these!" I wore this bra ll day yesterday under a semi-sheer top and it was so comfortable! I even had a lady approach me at a shop and say, "This is going to sound weird, but where can I buy a bra like the one you're wearing?" It seriously made my day.

Sadly you can't get a bra like this in stores anymore but I've had something in the works for a while now to make sewing your own easier and a bit more fun.
I've been working for months now to grade this pattern into many more sizes and have also partnered with Take & Make to offer a complete bra sewing kit with everything you need (including the pattern download) to sew the bra pictured below.

The bra sewing kit for pattern #2013.

The kit includes ready made straps and plush hook and eye closures that have been carefully matched with soft white satin, thread, and enough fine, soft muslin to sew a test version, with enough left over to line the bra if you should so choose. You can find the complete kit here.

We decided to go with white satin for the kits so that finding matching underwear wouldn't be a chore.

In one of my most recent posts we looked at an original 1940's bra to study the sewing details used. I'll be including these kinds of details in our sew-along posts and hopefully we'll all get to learn something new.

Top-stitch details are almost a must for any vintage bra!

And of course, this would be no sew-along launch without a giveaway! Next week I'll choose three winners from the comments on this post who will each get a digital copy of the bra pattern we'll be using.
To enter the giveaway here on A Few Threads Loose, simply leave a comment on this post letting me know you're in!

For an extra entry, you can do any or all of the following, just leave a comment letting me know about it!

I'll announce the winner of the giveaway on October 23rd and then we can start gathering our materials for the sew-along.

Happy sewing, and best of luck to the entrants!


  1. Am so in!

    Looking forward to making this for a dear friend - as I don't think my 10e girls will fit!

  2. So in! Gorgeous work on the top stitching. Can't wait for the sew a long! Also, I liked your FB page. :)

  3. Oh I´m in! I have been eyeing this pattern a while...
    And of course I follow Mrs Depew Vintage on facebook, where I also shared this.

  4. I'm in that's gorgeous! I already follow you on Facebook and through Bloglovin :)

  5. I'm super excited! Fitting vintage bra patterns has perplexed me for a while, so this will be good learning!

  6. I would love to try this! It is a really pretty bra! I follow you on Feedly and just liked you on Facebook. I also pinned the Sew-Along picture. This is my 4th attempt to comment on your blog and it doesn't work for the wordpress login. I hope I am not making multiple comments somewhere. Sorry if I am!! I will try the Google sign in instead.

    1. Well, that worked but it is not where I blog now. I'll figure it out at some point! :) I love Reign by the way!! The costumes are gorgeous!

  7. I've been looking for a comfortable bra of this style for ages, and as you say they just don't make them like this anymore so I am definitely putting this pattern on my wishlist for Christmas! It looks absolutely wonderful :-)

  8. Very excited about my first foray into bra sewing! Ordering the kit right now.

    1. Like Susan above, not my current blog either. Could not post using a wordpress account. Is there a trick to it?

  9. I am in if I can find the time, as I am currently hosting my own sew-along! I have liked your facebook page as well as followed you on bloglovin

  10. Definitely in too!!!! :-D <3 :-D <3 :-D <3

  11. This bra is so beautiful I would want to wear it on the outside of my clothes.

  12. This is a great giveaway! Also the bra looks wonderful. I'd love to win a kit and thanks for doing the sew along too.

  13. How pretty! I am in. I also liked you on Facebook and am following your blog on Bloglovin!

  14. Ok--I'm in! Desperately needing a tutorial on how to make this. Will be following closely.

  15. This sounds great! I also started following your blog on Bloglovin.

  16. I definitely need to make one (or more) of these. I can't wear underwire bras so this is perfect! Thanks for going to the effort of crafting this pattern!

  17. Awesome. I love that you are doing a sewalong! Count me in please :)

  18. The bra looks great! I've been contemplating sewing vintage underwear for some time now. I think it's time I did!
    A sew-along sounds wonderful!

  19. I like Mrs Depew Vintage on facebook!

  20. I'm planning on doing the sew-along. I've been wanting to try bra-making for ages, and need some help and guidance.
    I follow you on facebook, am about to share this post there, have pinned millions of images from your site, am prone to slight exaggeration ;-P and follow you on bloglovin' :-)

  21. Can't wait to follow along with this. 40s bras have not been my friend so far. :( and of course I follow Mrs. Depew on Facebook and your blog on my blogger dashboard. :) Also, I've got a pint rest board of the patterns on my wishlist, with more than a few Mrs. Depew... lol

  22. I have been meaning to try bra sewing for almost a year -your sew-a-long is just the motivation I need to get started!

  23. I follow you on Blogloving and will pin this post to my pinterest board! Lovely Bra and exciting giveaway! Thanks!

  24. I have never made a bra, so this would be a good time to start! Thank you for entering my name in the giveaway!

  25. This little bra is so pretty! I'd love to be counted in :)

  26. I've been looking for the perfect vintage bra pattern. I would love to win this beautiful pattern!

  27. Looks like a gorgeous kit. Liked you on Facebook about a month ago. Count me in!

  28. It would be great fun to follow along, but am so swamped with the upcoming holidays. Also, my girls are so small I generally have to use a demi-cup bra, just not enough to fill even an A cup (should I be able to find one). Would this work for me, or would I be better off with one of your other styles? I have made my bras before, but there's something intriguing about the older vintage bras!

  29. So exited! I am sewing a Vintage Suite from the 40ies right now, so this would be perfectly matching ...

    1. And completly forgot: I follow your Blog with good old e- emailsubscription

  30. I would love to join up on this. I have another side project to do, as well as class work. But bra sewing is very simple, thankfully.

  31. I follow you on bloglovin (tinyangrycrafter)

  32. I like you on facebook (via my personal page, and my fanpage; tiny.angry.crafts)

  33. I've been looking at your bra patterns to find one to make to go with a pair of navy and white satin French knickers I made and this would be perfect.

    I follow you on Facebook, follow the blog on Wordpress Reader and have pinned the bra above to my Vintage Sewing & Craft board on Pinterest.

  34. Lovely bra! I have not made any underwear yet, but would love to have a go!

  35. Hello there! OK, I've "pinned" your shop to my "Sewing and Fashion Inspiration" board.

    Have a fantastic day posting even more French fashion magazines in your Etsy shop to assist in the blowing away of my budget! *LOL*


    1. And I shared it on my little blog, too...

  36. Excellent! I'm very excited about this sew a-long! I have two of your bra patterns but have not used then yet. So even if I don't win the giveaway this is a good excuse for me to get started on some new bras. I have a couple vintage ones that I love to wear but I know they will not last for ever!
    I also follow you on facebook and plan to share this sew a-long on my Emily's Vintage Visions FB page and Pinterest page.

  37. Yes! I'm in! I've been wanting to make this pattern for some time, and this is the perfect motivation.

  38. I am so excited, I just bought the kit and will eagerly await its arrival!

  39. I have several of your bra patterns, but I don't have this one yet. I think I need it!

  40. I just liked you on FB and pinned the sew-along on Pinterest.

  41. I love this pattern! And super excited you have a kit it's so easy! I'm curious would this pattern work for plus sizes??? I'm also large busted (a h cup) I would love to know if it's possible for me to make one. Can't wait for the sew a long!!

  42. Yes, please! I need some new bras, and this one looks great!

  43. Oh, how fun! I'd love to do this. I've used some of your other patterns for costume design projects. I'd love to sew one for myself :)

  44. I purchased the white satin kit. Looking forward to my first sew-a-long.

  45. Beautiful, and I'm just in time for the sew along! :D

  46. Followed, liked, pinned, shared and shared! Thank you!

  47. Pinned a photo to my Pinterest (tinyangrycrafts)

  48. I would love this pattern in my size! I'm allergic to a chemical used in elastic and spandex so I use vintage patterns when ever possible. They're hard to find in larger sizes.

    1. The giveaway closed back in 2015 but you can still find the pattern at our website!

  49. I'm in. I am a 1940s wartime reenactor. I make all the garments that show, would be lovely to have the correct bra for underneath.

    1. The giveaway closed back in 2015 but you can still find the pattern at our website!

  50. I’m about to sew this in cotton woven fabric. So excited to be saying bye bye to ugly uncomfortable modern bras with hideous underwires.

  51. I’m about to sew this in cotton woven fabric. So excited to be saying bye bye to ugly uncomfortable modern bras with hideous underwires.
