
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Short blog break.

Hello my lovely readers. Please forgive my blogging silence but I'm going to have to put A Few Threads Loose on the back burner for a week or two. My mother is currently in the hospital fighting liver failure. I'll be with her in Nebraska until she pulls through and there's no knowing how long that might be.
If praying is your thing, we would be very happy for your prayers.




  1. I'm sure we'll all be thinking of you both, and wishing you all the best.

  2. Oh dear! Take all the time you need, and keeping my fingers tightly crossed for her... I'm sure everything will be just fine - but remember to take care of yourself too...OK?

  3. Oh, what a stress! I am most definitely praying for full recovery - very soon. Stay strong!

  4. fingers crossed she recovers quickly. will be thinking of you. x

  5. I'll say some prayers for your mom. Sending you wellness wishes...

  6. I'm praying your mom pulls through. I'm sure it is a great comfort for her to have you there while she recovers.

  7. Not a happy reason to be taking a break from blogging, I am sorry to hear that your mother is not doing well. I know what it is like to have a parent in the hospital - I've nearly lost my dad twice with some health scares that have hospitalized him. Sending prayers and hugs your way :)

  8. Oh my. So sorry to hear this and will pray for her recovery & your strength. When my mother had cancer she was so pleased and comforted that I took time off to be with her; no doubt your mom will feel the same even if she says nothing!

  9. Sending positive thoughts to your Mother x hoping she's well and that you're back soon.

  10. Anna - So sorry to hear your mother isn't doing well and I am definitely thinking of you both. I'm glad that you are able to be where you ought to be.

  11. Prayers, warm thoughts and hugs! Hang in there.

  12. Anna, sending good thoughts for her total recovery and for your strength. It's hard to be pulled away from your life, but this time with her will be precious. I don't know where in Nebraska you will be but if you need a break I am in Iowa and could meet for a coffee.

  13. We understand, Anna. The most important thing right now is that your mother gets well and that you are with her. Sending hugs!


  14. Prayers forthcoming... much love XOXO
