
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sew Expensive... McCall 852 1940's Hat Pattern

Hello lovely readers. I am currently sitting at my desk, surrounded by a carefully constructed box fort as big, burly Polish men pack our things up for our move from Norway to California. (If you're wondering, why Polish men, many Polish people choose to immigrate to Norway because there's so much work to be had.)

We're currently in one of those lulls where no one needs my help, and since I'm mostly useless today with a bad head cold (ah, the timing of it all)... I thought I would take a moment to share with you this great pattern in another installment of Sew Expensive!

This beautiful original McCall 852 hat pattern recently sold for an amazing $71.87 on Ebay. While this is  quite a bit of money for a pattern, it's actually pretty reasonable for a 1940's hat pattern. The shape of the hat is rather hard to find, as many hat patterns from this era are much less flattering, or much more basic.

To see the most I have ever seen a vintage hat pattern sell for (it's jaw-dropping, I assure you!), check out this Sew Expensive post.

On another note, if you haven't already, be sure to enter the pattern giveaway being sponsored by Ohhh Lulu!

Well, I'm off to pack some more!




  1. I'm only one of your many fans. A fan of both your blog and your patterns. You have the best taste, the best fashion sense ever!!!

    Are you willing to tell us a little bit about how your business/life may change with the move to California?? The USA can certainly use your help. Perhaps you'll help us all to polish up our look.

  2. Cool pattern! I like all of the unique shapes they used for hats in the mid 1940's, it's really neat. However, I don't think many could actually pull it off.


  3. Oh, I crave that green hat with the feather! And I see you can see the back of it- I think I need to try to draft something similar!
