
Friday, November 9, 2012

Sew Expensive... Butterick 3402

For today's Sew Expensive I present to you the lovely Butterick 3402, which recently sold for a meager $126.56.

This amazing little gem has a beautiful asymmetrical panel hem option (swoon) with fur cuffs and collar. It is, in a word, show-stopping.

Is it just me or does the price seem a bit low? Perhaps I've been blogging about too many high-priced evening gowns lately. Even with sewing patterns, I suppose everything is relative.

Also, on a silly side note, Butterick is apparently not in the dictionary that this post editor uses. It kept auto-correcting it to Buttermilk. Buttermilk 3402... such an expensive, tasty beverage...

On another note, the very clever and talented Debi of My Happy Sewing Place has written a blog post detailing most of her favorite places to buy vintage patterns online. Many of my favorites are on this list and if you haven't seen it yet, it's well worth a read.

How about you? Do you have a favorite place to look for vintage patterns?


  1. holy smokes! That is an incredible coat but wow, that's a lot of money for it. I usually find my patterns at antique malls and thrift stores but online, etsy ebay and of course, vpll! :)

  2. *LOL* Well, I do hang around your shop on etsy...

    Actually, I like etsy quite a bit for vintage patterns (not a fan of bidding, but I admit I might be a bit of a snob in that regard, or just plain lazy *grins*), and some independant sellers out there on the internet as well - and almost forgot the few brick-and-mortar shops I know of around my area, too. I figure that as long as a person is very careful about their credit card information (or they use PayPal), there shouldn't be too much fear about shopping online.

    An amazing coat, BTW, and I agree, the price actually seems cheap, especially considering the size (38" bust? Seems to run average nowadays for those of us with limited sewing skills aka fear of re-sizing patterns - meaning it's a very popular size)...

    Loving your incredible work, BTW!! :)


  3. My favorite place to looks for vintage patterns is your shop :)

    I couldn't agree more that the price of the vintage pattern seems low. Comparing it to that hat you posted about awhile back, this is pocket change!

  4. Wow, the pattern looks realy wonderful but $126,56 is a lot. I love vintage patterns and have a litte collecting-tic but I wouldn`t pay so much for just one pice.
    I'm looking in ebay mostly but sometimes I find some pretty patterns on DaWanda or on a lokal fleamarket.

    Have a nice day and best regards :-)
