
Saturday, September 29, 2012

An update to my Simplicity S-Series Collection

Hello lovely readers and happy weekend! I have spent the entire afternoon updating my previous post on the Simplicity S-Series sewing patterns. I found out some new ones, added some new ones to my collection, and took some photos!

I currently have S601, S602, S604, S606, S610, S611, S613, S614, S615, S616, S617, S618, S620, S621, S622, and S623. (updated as of May 29, 2013.)

The most recent addition to the collection is S617, a lovely little step-in pajama pattern.

The S-series included a handful of patterns for children and men as well.  I have been debating whether or not to include them in my collection as I find them and I finally decided that a complete set was the only thing I could tolerate.

If in the future you come across any S-Series patterns and want to let me know, you can email me at I'm also quite interested in any Simplicity Fashion Forecast flyers or ads that might help me give an exact date to any of these.
(I'm still searching for S603, S607, S608, and a complete S612.)

A few of you have contacted me when you have seen some of these come up for sale and I owe much of my success in finding them to you, so thank you!

Update: A Reproduction of S617 is now available in multiple sizes, in a paper version!


  1. So what would I be looking for that makes a pattern an "S" series? Is it simply the addition of the S to the pattern number? I don't recall off the top of my head that I have any women's patterns from this series but I may very well have children's or men's.

  2. Those step in pajamas are perfection. I don't supposed you would be willing to redraft them and put them up on etsy?

  3. I'm glad that you shared this! I've been keeping my eye out for these patterns and wanted to know which ones you already had. It is a very beautiful collection!

  4. You've developed an impressive collection. Beautiful!!

  5. Just gorgeous- I only have one so its not really a collection but I'm always on the prowl for them- congrats!

  6. Beautiful collection! Just love them!!! I collect 1940 McCall patterns...and it's really fun to be on a mission of scouting them out :)

  7. I am always looking for vintage sewing patterns for my three granddaughters. Right now the oldest loves nightgowns and the other two pajamas. If you decide to put scanned or redrafted copies up on Etsy I would be interested!

  8. Oh, these are all so beautiful! I do love those step-in pjs. That is exactly something that I'm looking for the summer months. Lovely but practical and cool! Any chance of redrafting that one?

  9. Oh my, patterns galore! I think I hear the angels singing... I will take one of each!

