
Thursday, January 30, 2020

A Few Pretty Pages of... Ladies Home Journal September 1905

Sometimes you just have that mental itch. That "I need to see things from 1905 today" itch...

If that is you, you're in luck. Today for our "A Few Pretty Pages of..." we have The Ladies' Home Journal magazine from September of 1905.


Monday, January 27, 2020

A Few Pretty Pages of...Ladies Home Journal October 1904

Today for your enjoyment my dears, I have a few pretty pages of Ladies Home Journal Magazine from October 1904.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

A Few Pretty Pages of...Ladies Home Journal January 1905

Today for your enjoyment, I present a few pretty pages of The Ladies Home Journal magazine from January 1905.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How to Mend Large or Difficult Tears in Sewing Patterns

Below, we have a pattern that has had the stuffing kicked out of her. Every single piece of this poor baby has between 1 and 3 very large tears. I spent a whole afternoon fixing her up and thought I might share a few tricks for making repairs that last.

The much-abused lady in question.

  1. 1. Iron out the pattern piece, using medium-high heat and NO STEAM.
  1. 2. If the tear is large, it can help to weigh the pattern down with pattern weights, or in my case, giant nuts and washers from a hardware store.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Draft-at-Home Sewing Pattern Tutorials From Mrs. Depew Vintage

Hello lovelies. I long time ago I did a photo tutorial for you here on how to draft my any-size Draft-at-Home sewing patterns.
I hope that it was helpful, but I still got lots of requests for a video or two. I'm shy (I like to hide behind the blog, lol) but I got so many requests that I finally did it.

In this series, I walk you through drafting up my corselette pattern #355 from the 1940s.

So without further ado, here it is!

For the full series:

Friday, January 17, 2020

A Look Inside an Antique Magazine Le Bon Ton 1896

I've decided to film "A Look Inside" some of the rarer vintage fashion and sewing items that come into my hands. Today for your enjoyment I have Le Bont Ton et le Moniteur de la Mode sewing pattern magazine from Spring, 1896.

It was printed in English, in the U.S. by S.T. Taylor to advertise their sewing patterns and pattern drafting system. The fashion illustrations are absolute perfection.
To download E-books of other Bon Ton magazines from my collection, check out the E-book section of!

If you're interested in adding rare magazines like this one to your collection, you can find others like it in my Etsy shop book and magazine section.